Private Lending/Secured Transactions
Whether you are an institutional lender or a private lender or you are a corporate or individual borrower or guarantor, we can helpPrivate Lending/Secured Transaction Lawyers
If your business is humming along and you are looking to grow or manage your cash-flow differently, you might decide to approach a lending institution in order to obtain a term loan to grow through acquisition or a revolving working capital facility to manage your cash flow. However, you’ll only be able to access these borrowed funds if your business (or its willing guarantors) has a sufficient credit history and collateral base to motivate a lending institution to take the credit risk and lend you the money. Depending on what the lender requires, and each situation is different, a number of third parties may need to become involved to ensure such a transaction closes.
Knowledgeable Advice from Experienced Business Lawyers
Our business lawyers have represented lenders, borrowers and guarantors in all manner of single loan or multiple facilities transactions including domestic and cross-border, secured and unsecured, single-lender and syndicated loans as well as transactions involving a single borrower/guarantor or multiple borrowers/guarantors. We know how to balance the competing interests of the parties yet remain efficient and always keeping our clients’ needs paramount. Our ability to identify and effectively anticipate/address the various issues that can occur throughout these types of transactions is why we have been long-time trusted advisors over generations to our lending and borrowing clients, alike.
Our extensive experience allows us to nimbly negotiate and stick-handle the plethora of documents required in order to manage the initial due diligence process as well as to manage and complete all third-party and interested-party obligations in order to complete a secured lending transaction, including:
- Operating/Revolving Lines of Credit
- Term Loans
- Multi-facility Loans
- Promissory Notes – simple and grid
- Private Institutional Mortgage Financing
- General Security Agreements
- Share Pledge Agreements
- Guarantees
- Control Agreements
- Cash Collateral Agreements
- Subordination and Postponement Agreements
- Third Party Consents/Waivers/Releases/Estoppels
- PPSA Registrations
- Associated Corporate Consents, Waivers, Releases, Certificates and Resolutions
Whether you are an institutional lender or a private lender or a corporate or individual borrower or guarantor, we can help. If your loan and collateral are all in Ontario or are elsewhere within Canada, cross-border to the US or overseas, we can help. If you’re looking to raise capital by other means, we can help.
Contact Mills & Mills LLP for Assistance with Private Lending/Secured Transactions
To benefit from the knowledgeable advice and drafting skills of our business law lawyers, please contact us at 416-863-0125 or send us an email.
Contact Us
Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 863-0125
Fax: (416) 863-3997