Keeping on top of the latest developments in trust law to create custom planning tools for our clientsRespected Trusts Lawyers in Toronto
Trusts are advisable for many individuals, for a wide variety of reasons. Whether a client is looking to determine long-term control over complex assets, arrange for the care of vulnerable family members in the event of the caregiver’s death or incapacity, reduce income tax liabilities, or minimize or avoid probate fees, trusts can be of great value. As a result, the establishment of trusts is often an important part of the estate planning process.
At Mills & Mills LLP, we review all planning options with our clients, and will advise when the establishment of a trust would be the most effective way to ensure that their interests are protected. Our team of professionals draw upon over 130 years of our firm’s experience in preparing legally enforceable trusts that will withstand judicial scrutiny if challenged in court. Owing to the fact that many of our clients come to us for a variety of their legal needs, we are very familiar with their business holdings as well as their financial and personal situations. As such, we are in a unique position to help establish the right trusts for their circumstances.
Our trusts lawyers are knowledgeable in designing a wide range of trust solutions, including:
- Inter vivos and testamentary trusts
- Family trusts
- Spousal trusts
- Alter-ego trusts
- Henson trusts
- Insurance trusts
- Pet trusts
- Cottage trusts
- Education trusts
- Special needs or disability trusts for family members who may need special lifelong assistance, such as minor or adult children who are unable to provide for their own care
- Other special purpose trusts
As always, our lawyers work to design solutions so as to minimize any chance of ambiguity or litigation. If it becomes necessary, we also have the litigation experience and skill to defend the integrity of our clients’ trusts in Ontario courts, should they be challenged.
Administration and Variation of Trusts
In addition to drafting trusts for our clients, our lawyers can also assist with the long-term administration of trusts. Circumstances that were considered at the outset of a trust can change over time so that it becomes necessary to vary the terms of a trust. In these circumstances, our lawyers can handle this process, up to and including bringing an application in court if necessary.
Contact the Estate Lawyers at Mills & Mills LLP
If you have estate needs that may require a trust and would like the benefit of our experience and advice, call us at 416-863-0125 or send us an email.
Contact Us
Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 863-0125
Fax: (416) 863-3997