Privacy and Protection of Personal Information
Advising business owners on compliance with their privacy obligationsLawyers for Privacy Law and Protection of Personal Information
Canadian privacy, access to information and personal information protection legislation exists at both the federal and provincial levels, and the laws change frequently to adapt to new technologies and shifting political priorities. It is essential that business owners remain informed of their compliance obligations in the face of ever-evolving requirements.
At Mills & Mills LLP, we keep our clients up-to-date on changes to the law and their legal obligations as commercial entities. Our lawyers also assist with compliance by drafting customized privacy and anti-spam policies. We represent clients in dealings with government agencies such as the Ontario Privacy Commissioner, in proceedings under access to information laws, and by responding to privacy inquiries or complaints.
Personal Information & Privacy Legislation – PIPEDA, PHIPA, FIPPA, CASL and Privacy Act
As part of our role in assisting with the day-to-day operations of our clients’ businesses and maintaining compliance with applicable law, we:
- Prepare privacy policies
- Assist in the implementation of appropriate privacy practices
- Conduct privacy audits
- Resolve privacy complaints
- Provide opinions on the permissible collection, use and disclosure of personal information
- Act on applications for disclosure of information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
- Conduct appeals of decisions of the Privacy Commissioner
- Act on behalf of our clients with respect to the filing of or responding to complaints made to the Federal Privacy Commissioner under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)
- Ensure that clients are aware of their compliance obligations under an array of Canadian legislation, including:
- PIPEDA – federal legislation that governs how private-sector companies and not-for-profit organizations engaging in commercial activities can handle personal information;
- Privacy Act – federal legislation that protects personal information in the hands of the federal government;
- Personal Health Information Protection Act – Ontario legislation that governs how health information custodians can handle personal health information;
- Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act – Ontario legislation which applies to the provincial government of Ontario, universities, colleges, hospitals, and designated agencies; and
- Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation – federal anti-spam legislation that protects consumers and businesses from the misuse of digital technology.
Contact the Privacy Lawyers at Mills & Mills LLP in Toronto
To benefit from the experience, advice and assistance of our commercial law lawyers with respect to Canadian privacy and information law, call us at 416-863-0125 or send us an email.
Contact Us
Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4V 1L5
Phone: (416) 863-0125
Fax: (416) 863-3997