Mills & Mills LLP is a trusted adviser to congregations, trustees, church officials and the courts of the church. For over a century, we have advised on all manner and types of legal issues relating to the life and ministry of Ontario churches including real estate, employment, conflict resolution, applications for private legislation, property development, estates, leases, by-law compliance, The Manual of the United Church of Canada and governance. We have formed a Church Law practice group to better serve the needs of our clients. The Mills & Mills Church Law Group’s inaugural event will be a seminar held for church officials on Friday, October 29, 2010 to discuss legal and business topics facing religious organizations. Please contact us for further details. For information about our services or if you wish to arrange a free consultation about any issue affecting your church, please contact Paul Mills at (416) 682-7110 or Martin Campbell at (416) 682-7111 or email us at: or or visit our website.
“…generations of trust…”