Private Equity Financing Transaction Lawyers

Taking a business from inception to exit is the entrepreneurial purpose and dream.  Most entrepreneurs do not have sufficient capital of their own to start, build, grow and operate their vision.  Accordingly, they usually need or prefer using other people’s money to fund such growth.  Whether it’s truly seed capital or growth capital, other people’s money usually comes to an entrepreneur in one of two ways: by issuing shares in exchange for a part ownership in the business or by issuing convertible debt (as opposed to borrowing money on credit in a conventional lending transaction) in exchange for cash and what is intended to become a part ownership in the business.   This allows the entrepreneur to reduce his or her financial risk and gives the investors a chance to share in the upside success of the business.

Trusted Guidance from Experienced Business Lawyers

Our business lawyers have decades of experience advising both issuers and investors in these kinds of transactions and, as a result, are able to readily manage the various issues that can arise on both sides and negotiate the documents necessary to quickly close these transactions.

Mills & Mills LLP business lawyers have spent their careers running these transactions and drafting the necessary documentation, for example:

  • Non-Disclosure/Confidentiality Agreements
  • Subscription Agreements
  • Unanimous Shareholder Agreements (and Amended and Restated Unanimous Shareholder Agreements)
  • Articles of Amendment
  • Convertible Notes/Debentures
  • Registration Rights Agreements
  • Seed, Angel and Venture Capital
  • Securities Incentive Plans
  • Restricted Share Agreements (aka Reverse Vesting)
  • SAFE financing documents
  • Securities Laws exemption documentation
  • Employment Agreements
  • Consulting Agreements
  • IP Transfer and Assignment Agreements
  • Security Agreements
  • Guarantees
  • PPSA registrations
  • Associated Corporate Consents, Waivers, Releases, Certificates and Resolutions

As they say, “time is money”, and our lawyers are well-aware of the need to be efficient while simultaneously addressing our clients’ needs.  Our vast and varied experience facilitates this for us as does our business-first approach.  We are retained to protect our clients’ interests, but not at any cost.  Being able to quickly understand our clients’ business and business-needs and translating that learning into legal advice is an important skill that allows us to keep our costs down and our efficiency high.  Just because something is an academic legal issue does not make it a practical and relevant issue for every client in every circumstance.  It’s our experience that makes the difference in being able to identify that line and our clients are the beneficiaries of having honed our skills.

Contact Mills & Mills LLP for Assistance with Private Equity Financing Transactions

To benefit from the knowledgeable advice and drafting skills of our business law lawyers, please contact us at 416-863-0125 or send us an email.

Contact Us

2 St Clair Ave West
Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4V 1L5

Phone: (416) 863-0125

Fax: (416) 863-3997

Questions? Send us an email.

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