Recently, we wrote about the Federal Court of Appeal’s decision in Wilson v. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited.  In that decision, the Federal Court of Appeal ruled that non-unionized employees governed by the Canada Labour Code did not have a right to a job, and that employers were entitled to dismiss employees without cause, so long as, of course, they provided the appropriate amount of notice, or pay in lieu of notice, at common law.

The decision was a welcome one, in that it clarified employers’ rights in such situations, which were previously not well-defined in the Federal context.

Recently, the Supreme Court of Canada granted leave to the dismissed worker in the case of Wilson v. Atomic Energy of Canada to appeal the decision granted by the Federal Court of Appeal, leaving open the possibility that further restrictions will be imposed upon in this context.

Look forward to reading more about this topic following the release of the decision by the Supreme Court of Canada.

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