Silence is not Condonation of Temporary Lay-Offs

Commercial Obligations under PIPEDA and the Potential Changes to Canada’s Privacy Laws

Legal Implications When You Back Out of a Real Estate Transaction

Beneficiary Designations for Registered Accounts

The Power of an Apology in Mediation

Creating a Binding Separation Agreement or Domestic Contract

Negotiating Strategies in Buying A Business

Civil Litigation and The Recovery of Money Lost to Fraud

Buying a Business: Key Considerations for Purchasers

Court of Appeal Provides Greater Clarity Regarding Disputes Over Vaccinating Children

Contact Us

2 St Clair Ave West
Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4V 1L5

Phone: (416) 863-0125

Fax: (416) 863-3997

Questions? Send us an email.

    Sending an e-mail to us will not make us your lawyers. You will not be considered a client of Mills & Mills LLP until we have agreed to act for you in accordance with our usual policies for accepting clients. No information we provide to you can be treated by you as legal advice, unless and until we have agreed to act for you. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.