Given the difficulty people experience engaging in conversations regarding end of life decisions and estate planning, I can only imagine how difficult many would find it to write their own obituary.  That said, a man from Nova Scotia has recently done just that.

On Good Friday (March 25, 2016), Angus B. MacDonald of Glace Bay, Nova Scotia passed away leaving his own obituary to be published in The Cape Breton Post, reports CBC News.  In his obituary, Angus takes a light-hearted and (as CBC News describes it) quirky approach to his own passing.  Before taking the opportunity to pay tribute to his family, recognize those who helped him through his illness over the last few years and explain his wishes for a memorial, Angus writes,

The grim reaper came for me on Friday March 25, 2016. I bought the farm. I bit the dust. So I guess I’m off to the promised land eh? The promised land! Imagine! 

Upon review of the comments posted on the obituary, the effect Angus’ words had on others is evident, making me wonder if more people will now consider following in Angus’ footsteps by writing their own obituary.

In addition to having an effect on many who had never had the opportunity to meet him and likely inspiring some to write their own obituary, I would propose that Angus’ obituary provides a manner by which those who do find it difficult to discuss their end of life wishes can ease into the discussion.

For further discussion on engaging in conversations regarding your end of life decisions, visit my previous blog post by clicking here.

For more information on Angus B. MacDonald’s obituary, you can visit the CBC News article by clicking here or Angus’ obituary by clicking here.

Until my next blog, to quote Angus, “Happy Trails!”

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