David A.S. Mills was born in Toronto on April 29, 1972. He is a great-grandson of Alexander Mills, K.C., one of the founders of the Mills & Mills LLP firm, and the grandson of Ralph S. Mills, Q.C. He is the second of three sons of J. Paul Mills, K.C. (retired 2024). David graduated from McGill University in 1995, articled at the firm after graduating from the University of Toronto Faculty of Law in 1998 and joined the firm as an associate lawyer in 2000.
David became a Partner in 2006 and currently serves as Managing Partner of the firm. He specializes in estate law, including estate litigation as well as the planning and administration of estates. David also acts as a mediator in estate disputes and is proud to have been appointed an Adjunct Professor teaching Estate Law at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. He is married and has three children.

At Mills & Mills LLP, our lawyers regularly help clients with a wide range of legal matters including business law, real estate law, estate law, employment law, health law, and tax law. For over 140 years, we have earned a reputation amongst our peers and clients for quality of service and breadth of knowledge. Contact us online or at (416) 863-0125. The material provided through the Mills & Mills LLP website is for general information purposes only. It is not intended to provide legal advice or opinions of any kind.