The Canadian Defence Lawyers: Women’s Caucus Retreat

Mills & Mills LLP is delighted to have sponsored The Canadian Defence Lawyers: Women’s Caucus Retreat, held from November 1-3, 2024. The annual retreat supports and celebrates women lawyers in their careers, and offers opportunities for leadership development, education, inspiration, and networking. Senior Associates Jocelyn Tatebe… The Canadian Defence Lawyers: Women’s Caucus Retreat

Annual General Meeting of the International Lawyers Group

David Mills, Managing Partner at Mills & Mills LLP, has recently returned from Vienna, Austria, where he attended the Annual General Meeting of the International Lawyers Group. This network connects small and mid-sized law firms globally. Mills & Mills LLP has been a member since the… Annual General Meeting of the International Lawyers Group

Women’s Law Association of Ontario’s Access to Justice Week (A2J) 

Mills & Mills LLP is thrilled to announce that we’re partnering with the Law Society of Ontario for this year’s Women’s Law Association of Ontario’s Access to Justice Week (A2J). The title for the event this year is: “A2J Week 2024: The Missing Middle: The rising… Women’s Law Association of Ontario’s Access to Justice Week (A2J) 

A Journey Through Generations: 140 Years of Family Leadership – Alexander Mills, K.C.

Alexander was born on January 2, 1856, as the youngest of ten children. He achieved academic success by graduating from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1884, earning the Bronze Medal. After being called to the Bar the same year, he joined his brother George to establish the law firm Mills… A Journey Through Generations: 140 Years of Family Leadership – Alexander Mills, K.C.

A Journey Through Generations: 140 Years of Family Leadership – George Gordon Mills, B.A

George Mills was born on August 30, 1850, and pursued his legal education at Osgoode Hall Law School. In 1881, he was called to the Bar. Early in his career, George was associated with the law firm of Sir James A. M. Aikens for about four years, gaining valuable experience. A Journey Through Generations: 140 Years of Family Leadership – George Gordon Mills, B.A

Expanding Religious Organizations in Canada

We are excited to announce our upcoming virtual seminar, “Expanding Religious Organizations in Canada,” organized by Mills & Mills LLP, in collaboration with InterJurisconsult to take place on the Zoom platform on Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 1:00 to 2:00pm. This event will feature three expert speakers who will delve… Expanding Religious Organizations in Canada

Decades of Excellence: The History of Mills & Mills LLP

Mills & Mills LLP was founded in 1884 when George Gordon Mills opened our first office at the corner of Church & Front Street. Decades of Excellence: The History of Mills & Mills LLP

Celebrating 140 Years of Excellence!

We are thrilled to announce that Mills & Mills LLP is celebrating its 140th anniversary! Over the past 14 decades, we’ve achieved remarkable growth and built lasting relationships with our clients. This milestone would not have been possible without the dedication of our incredible team and the trust and support… Celebrating 140 Years of Excellence!

Best Lawyers in Canada Awards – Trusts and Estates

Mills & Mills LLP is proud to share news that underscores our dedication to legal excellence and client-focused services. Our Managing Partner, David Mills, has been honored in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in Canada™ for his outstanding work in Trusts and Estates. Best Lawyers in Canada Awards – Trusts and Estates

The International Organization of Ukrainian Communities – “Fourth Wave”

Mills & Mills LLP extends its congratulations to the International Organization of Ukrainian Communities – “Fourth Wave” on achieving approval as a Registered Charity (Charity Registration number 857880900 RR 0001) by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). “Fourth Wave” IOUC is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian aid and support… The International Organization of Ukrainian Communities – “Fourth Wave”

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Understanding Your Mortgage Agreement: Key Clauses Explained by an Ontario Real Estate Lawyer

Understanding Responsibility for Maintenance of Easement Lands in Ontario

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