Lauren joined Mills & Mills LLP as an Associate in 2017 as a member of the Wills and Estates Group. Her practice is focused on estate planning, estate administration and estate litigation. Lauren assists clients with a range of estate planning and administration needs, including the preparation of wills, powers of attorney for property and personal care, and applications for certificate of appointment of estate trustee (probate).

Lauren’s estate litigation practice is focused on defending/commencing will challenges, pursuing guardianship applications and making dependant support claims. She has appeared before several branches of the Superior Court of Justice and the Ontario Court of Justice.

Lauren obtained her J.D. from Western University’s Faculty of Law in 2015 and her Honours Bachelor of Arts in Criminology from York University in 2011. She completed her articles of clerkship and was called to the Bar in 2016.

During law school, Lauren was actively involved with the Canada-United States Law Institute (CUSLI), where she held the positions of Logistics Director and President of the CUSLI Student Committee. Prior to obtaining her law degree, Lauren became involved with The Hunger Project charity and travelled to Madhya Pradesh, India to participate in a community empowerment workshop. This experience instilled a profound sense of humility and gratitude in Lauren and served to ignite her passion for further community and charitable involvement.


Year of Call



J.D, Western University, 2015
B.A (Hons), York University, 2011


The Law Society of Ontario
Canadian and Ontario Bar Associations
Toronto Lawyers Association
The Advocates’ Society


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Suite 700
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