Meghan O’Neil joined Mills & Mills LLP in 2016. Meghan graduated with honours from the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law in 2014. Prior to obtaining her law degree, Meghan graduated with a Graduate Certificate in Broadcast Journalism from Fanshawe College in 2009 and Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Windsor in 2010.

While at law school, Meghan was selected to be a teaching assistant for the Alternative Dispute Resolution course, as well as the Legal Writing and Leadership Course. Meghan was also the recipient of a Faculty of Law Fellowship in 2013, which she applied towards working at a firm focusing on estate law in her hometown of Windsor, Ontario. After completing her J.D., Meghan articled at a law firm in Oakville specializing in estate litigation, estate planning and estate administration.

Meghan holds a Trust and Estate Practitioner designation from the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, of which she is a member. She is also a member of the Estate Planning Council of Toronto. Meghan frequently presents on the topics of estate planning and administration to financial institutions, community groups, as well as continuing professional development programs for the Ontario Bar Association, Women’s Law Association of Ontario, and Osgoode’s Estate Planning and Administration program.

Since her call to the Ontario Bar in 2015, Meghan has focused her legal practice in estate law, particularly in the areas of estate planning and administration. She enjoys assisting clients with a range of estate planning and administration needs, including planning for loved ones with disabilities and working with foreign counsel to deal with clients’ assets located outside Ontario or Canada. She is committed to formulating practical and cost-effective solutions to address the matters for which her clients seek her assistance.



Year of Call



J.D., University of Ottawa, 2014
Honours B.A., University of Windsor, 2010
Graduate Certificate in Broadcast Journalism, Fanshawe College, 2008


Estate Planning Council of Canada
STEP Canada – Trust and Estate Practitioner
The Law Society of Ontario
Toronto Estate Planning Council
Junior Trusts and Estates Practitioners Group
Toronto Lawyers’ Association
Women’s Law Association of Ontario

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Understanding Responsibility for Maintenance of Easement Lands in Ontario

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Suite 700
Toronto, ON M4V 1L5

Phone: (416) 863-0125

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